Thursday, August 16, 2012

Changes... Like seasons?

I've been spending a rather ridiculous amount of time reflecting on the last 10 - 12 years of my life.
Just things I could have done so differently, and how awful I used to be... And may very well still be.
But I admit, these last three (or so) years, have probably been the best thing to happen to me.
Decision upon logical/practical decision keeps being made. As I go forth, sticking to my guns and keeping my word and just generally persevering... I find myself slowly finding balance.
Though... A few weeks ago I was treading water, slipping up, feeling lost and overwhelmed... I made it through alive!
I'm smiling again and spending more time reconnecting with very beautiful people in my life... I'm trying hard to stop the procrastination that I seem to continually suffer from... But that's for another venting blog post.
I may have found something I can honestly sink my teeth into. And with confidence! The self-doubt seems to be so insignificant in comparison to how sure I am.
All might be revealed soon. I'm in no rush though... :P

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