Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Continued education...

Though late in the year, my stepmom and I have proven that it's never too late to start that dreaded "This year I will..." list.

My step-mother's taken up teaching herself how to play piano (on my ancient battery operated keyboard) and I have, quite successfully, been learning how to write the uncial alphabet (calligraphy).
I've also been doing research on using my sparetime for proofreading... this continues.

Next is writing my learners for a bike license...again.
This is in an effort to get a little vintage style scooter to ride around my little town on.
I kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
Firstly, NO ONE will ever ask me for a lift while I'm using it.
Secondly, I will be going "green" and saving on LITRES of fuel that I would otherwise be using in my car.
Great, right?

I'm slowly endeavoring to get back in the saddle and ride before my Sonny is too far over the hills to ride ever again, but this endeavor involves me shedding much unneeded weight. And it's happening... slowly but surely.

I truly do believe that continued education (even self-education) should never be shunned or disregarded.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

To believe... in luck.

Over the last 3 months, and even more so over the last 2 weeks, my friend has become a believer in "luck".
Most of it bad.

And today, is a day I should have called off and spent in bed... mostly because, my awesome HTC Flyer tablet was stolen. Right out of my bag, without me noticing, obviously though, until it was long over.
* sigh *

Then... *snort* John's wallet got stolen.
We are no where near eachother in kilometres today, but how odd!

Oh well. These are just things... things that can at some stage be replaced, I suppose. 
So the dissappointment will be short lived.
Thank goodness.

But other than that!
Though my spelling and grammar, has at times, been downright atrocious... I have this *thing* for correcting people. Until it was recently pointed out to me that I should direct my "grammer and spelling Hitler" skills into something more constructive. Ie. That I could get paid to do.
Not a profession I would have considered, until recently, but one I'm heading into slowly.
Proofreading and copyediting!

This, could be a journey! 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Changes... Like seasons?

I've been spending a rather ridiculous amount of time reflecting on the last 10 - 12 years of my life.
Just things I could have done so differently, and how awful I used to be... And may very well still be.
But I admit, these last three (or so) years, have probably been the best thing to happen to me.
Decision upon logical/practical decision keeps being made. As I go forth, sticking to my guns and keeping my word and just generally persevering... I find myself slowly finding balance.
Though... A few weeks ago I was treading water, slipping up, feeling lost and overwhelmed... I made it through alive!
I'm smiling again and spending more time reconnecting with very beautiful people in my life... I'm trying hard to stop the procrastination that I seem to continually suffer from... But that's for another venting blog post.
I may have found something I can honestly sink my teeth into. And with confidence! The self-doubt seems to be so insignificant in comparison to how sure I am.
All might be revealed soon. I'm in no rush though... :P

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I've been Sherlocked

It's about the 3rd time that I'get worked my way through this "new" Sherlock series.

I'm somewhat infatuated with oddities. Go figure.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Sunshine bringer onner...

1st day of August...meaning (to me at least) that Spring is a month away.
Gah! I cannot wait.

In the meantime I still get to wrap on just about every scarf I own...sometimes at once.
It's. Also come to my attention that my glove collection is far too few for the long winter...this will be rectified before the next season, no doubt.

I'm at this time, however, itching more to move into my new home.
If any of my friends read this... I'll be listing my "wants" for the upcoming housewarming shinanigans.
Be warned.

Also...if I haven't already broken the horrible news. I've given in to the hipsters and added myself onto Instagram: zoocatty
Add/follow me for a mass of picture adding that will doubtfully enrich your life. At. All.