Thursday, July 4, 2013

Instagramming for dummies.

I do feel that I need to point out how addicted I've becoming to Instagram recently. Blogging my life in pictures and never having to *BE* in any of them... how perfect is that?

Yes... I find this amateur photo taking business rather appeals to me...
If you're on Instagram and think my photo overload is worth looking at, follow me: Zoocatty

There's just been too much happening... both in life and in my head over June for me to even start sorting through. And to put it all into words? right now? yeah... not going to happen.
At least not soon.

Pretty much how I've been feeling ...

I am sure though about how much I've come to appreciate good friends, good family and yes, a good life.
Between philanthropy, people noting happenings in my life, noting happenings in the lives of others... all of which may be dismissed as trivial to the horribleness of this world and 99% of the humans that exist in it with the same view... I do see the silver lining around these clouds.
Pardon the cliche, but I'm not one for words today.

I know, more than ever, that no one will beable to get me where I want to go, other than me.
And I am ready to fight, bloodied fists and all.

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