Saturday, December 15, 2012

You guys!...

I have realised just how hard it is for me to NOT appreciate the people in my life right now.

I haven't seen them in a couple of weeks, but what was going to be a celebration of all of us ending work on the same day, ended up with me and this crazy chick celebration my 4 weeks of leave, her new job ventures and.... game farm guy still having another week of work added onto his life.

We had such a fantastic evening though.
A loud ruckus dinner at Spur moved to a lang arm dance excursion at the Barnyard in Vereeniging.
No... I didn't dance. But I watched with great amusement as game farm guy exhausted himself dancing with his rather sloshed girlfriend, who wasn't in the least bit phased.

I was also getting shelf by shelf photo updates from the girls in Henley as they were working on the work room at their house last night.
To think that as unimportant as this activity might be... to just be included in it when I'm not even there. Sigh

I really do have the most amazing human beings in my life.
The happiness they plant in my just wants to burst at their awesome. eeeeeeyyaaaaaaaaa!

To Everyone I have met/known/know/love/like/lost, I hope you're going into an amazing Christmas/Holiday season and that it'll fill you with so much happiness.
You're all amazing.


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