Saturday, December 29, 2012


Just got back from my cuzzie's wedding.
I'm so exhausted! From the little bit of dancing I did... from all the driving... and defenitely from all that eating. There was so much food!
Got to see awesome family.
And I'm satiated... with life. With love. With coming home late and finding myself greeted like a rockstar by 3 puppymonsters who don't give me 101 questions... just love and gladness that I'm home.

And I can receed into my own space. Blissed in knowing that love still exists.

Thank you Ouma... for just being amazing.
Thank you for my dad... for my 19 cousins... for the 14/15 second cousins... for being the woman that sits at the head of our family table with so much love and compassion and forgiveness. I hope to one day be like you in these things.
Kind, without wanting.
Loving, without a score card.
Forgiving, with no check board.

I wish, however, that I could say I was back in the COMFORT of my new home... but I'm drowing in boxes right now that should be unpacked so that I can go to Lydenburg in some kind of peace on the 2nd of January. Sigh

Store Updates: Wonder Struck Inc.

Now... before I fall asleep at my desk.

Blessed be humans. Whoever and whereever you are.

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