Tuesday, December 25, 2012

It's here...somewhere...probably

Ergh... 7 days into the move!... yes... 7 days.


My tiny new home is filled with boxes and it's not even the end.
Last night was my first night sleeping here, with the 3 musketeer monsters protecting me from any strangeness in our new home.
Wagener is currently rolling about with invisible ninja's in a pile of rags in the living room. Apollo is also in the living room, snoring as he lays on the cold tiles, trying to find relief from a full stomach and a hot rainy evening. And Astraeus monster has had a temporary matress/bed made at my feet in the work room so he can come chew his toys and keep me jealously to himself from the other two. He's been snarling and barking at anything that comes near to me... or looks at me. Sigh

They also spent their first official day, mostly alone at home as I headed to Pretoria to spend time with the family.
A huge lunch was had... one that I'm STILL full from at nearly 9pm! but it was good...and that diabetics safe chocolate mousse that my landladies made for the dessert was divine. (my aunts own the house I'm renting... if the landladies thing is confusing).

Tomorrow the last lot of curtains get put up, I'm going to try and finish bringing the last of all my stuff from the parentals... including the second work space desk.

Things that have happened since "officially" moving in last night...
3 lightbulbs blew.
my 5 year old kettle packed up after putting it on...ONCE.

What I've learnt in one day...
Coffee isn't that bad without milk when you REALLY need that caffiene kick at 6:30am while 3 puppymonsters are pestering you to let them out for morning garden prowlings.
I have missed living on my own ... "own", more than I could have realised.
I have 3 of the most special boys in my life that will be sharing my home with me.

Now. Go forth and have a fantastic remainder of this Christmas day.
Blessed be.

P.S Even though our Etsy store is closed, it'd be GREAT if you could go promote/like/support our fundraising campaign! ~ Wonder Struck Inc. store funding campaign

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