Saturday, September 15, 2012


I'm having another late Saturday night... and we're not even in the last hours before a market!

I'm struck by inspiration...or that's how it feels at least. Gah!
It's probably just because of this rain... oh the beautiful storm that errupted this evening *sigh*

I made a whole stack of new bracelets today and a new necklace, roughly based on 3 of the necklaces I made for last week's Medieval market...though I know I'm getting more to the point of  "skrew the rest of the world! I want to and WILL make the stuff I want to wear and that my friends would wear."
I'm fully aware of consequences that would come from this outlook, but I'm also aware of how full my current workspace is with stuff ! ...and yes, USELESS stuff... sigh

So, inbetween making new and inspired stock, I'm going to try and clean out this flood of components that's threatening to end my life with claustrophobia...

I'm also nervously starting to put together ideas and layouts for my newest store on Etsy where I can put out something useful for all the stationary I collect and the typography I do... and I'll find uses for all my cool little fonts that I've been collecting... again.
The Quotable Zoo will be a mass of quotes from history, songs, and other places in printed form and soon after, on useful home and wearable things. Bonus is that there'll be minimum space required for the preprinted stuff.... AND NO COMPONENTS NEEDED!

Fuelled on coffee (yummers), j-rock (High and Mighty Color leading the charge), and a mass of thoughts boiling in my brain... I go forth to get this workspace sorted out a bit that I at least have space to crash when I can no longer stay awake O.o

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