Saturday, June 9, 2012

False sense...

Ah... what a way to kick off Saturday (a day that I look forward to with such enthusiasm).
My good vibe want was all for nought when I got into my horse's stable this morning...and was greeted by destruction.
His blanket buckles were half undone (which originally thought was by some unseen force), a haynet was on the ground and.... his saddle was gone.
Yup. That's when it hit me that... as my beautiful little blondie barked her lungs out the previous night, at 7:30pm, it was indeed over someone helping themselves to my saddle and attemptingly to my horse. They got one half of the thievery right.

I was rather surprised to find that, though I believe we should report all "out of the ordinary" acts to the cops, I didn't expect our local police station to not only send one car out less than half an hour after my call.... but TWO cars.
The policemen were all very nice about being called out over a small saddle, but took the matter rather seriously...maybe because during the course of last night there was alot of shinanigans happening in and around the neighbourhood apart from a thief in my stable...
Thankfully, dogs weren't poisoned and horses weren't successfully stolen, though that doesn't mean I'm not sitting here at my desk at 1am being paranoid over the possibility of someone being by my horse right now, despite the silence from the puppy monsters.

Absolutely ridiculous though, right?


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