Sunday, May 27, 2012


Worse than ending a weekend off with an approaching Monday... is getting horribly sick in the few hours called Sunday.

I've had to take advice and medicine from a second rate pharmacy, in the hopes that it'll make me feel better than "near to zombie".
I even emerged from a restless, hourly interrupted, 3 hour "nap", feeling like the world was a carousel.
Sadly the first rate doctors and pharmacies are closed in this town on Sundays...

But... enough about about my sickly whines.

I'm contemplating, as I download an enormous number of megs worth of manga, writing a strongly worded letter to Tv Tokyo for cancelling Bleach.
My heart hasn't quite recovered from this awful news. It's like finding out there's another Twilight movie being made... that cold shiver down your spine as Bram Stoker rolls violently in his grave.
What has happened to quality viewing?!

Ergh and I will have to leave as I feel another round of badness coming on as I grab for another tissue and cough whatever is left of my lungs forcefully out of my body.

Hope you're all having a fantastically better Sunday ;)

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